Daytona 1973

Mark Brelsford

Kawasaki 650
Suzuki TS250

Kamakazi 900

Suzuki TM-400 "Cyclone"
My best night racing this combonation of bikes was at the Happy Valley TT track located just out side of Anderson, CA. That was my home track, and I won both classes that particular saturday night. It was the only time I ever won both classes at any racetrack. I did quite a few second place finish's in the two classes. As far as mu memories, this bike brings back GREAT memories...

Triumph 650 Bonnivle

Hodaka Ace 100

Yamaha RD350 street bike

Honda Sport 65, 1967

Go, "Speed Racer", Go!

Here I am, (winning, I might add...) racing in 1972 at the Marysville Raceway just outside of Sacramento, CA. This was on my Honda 250 Elsinore, my favorite race bike. I was sponsored by my parent's music store: Herreid Music, located in Redding, CA.
My sister and her husband own it now. They have two stores, one in Redding and one in Chico. If you need a musical instrument, call Rich at (530) 243-7283
I wish I had taken more photos of my racing days, the "glory" days, so to speak. This is the only one I have. I was gonna go professional at one time, but was smart enough to know my limitations. I was very good at the regional level, but would have probably got myself killed. I was just good enough to get myself into trouble on the track, but NOT good enough to get myself out, like the big boys could...
Again, GREAT memories

"Memory Lane"

New Wheels!

Here's a picture of a similar bike, I haven't quit riding the new one long enough to take a picture!
About Stu's Motorcycles