I've been taking a trip dowm "memory lane" lately. Since I bought my 1981 BMW R100/7 this last July, I have had a renewed interest in my old love for motorcycles. I have been googling a lot lately and dredging up old pictures of the different motorcycles I've had over the years. I have lost count after 40!
The bike here on the right was purchased for me by my father in 1973. He bought my brother Lynn the same thing, only a gold colored one. I rode this bike until the wheels came off.
I will endeavor to update this blog on a regular basis. I hope you enjoy my trip dowm memory lane!
1 comment:
It is truly facsinating to hear about who you were in the past. It really helps to see you as an individual and not just my dad. All these years I have never really known you. We are getting along so well now, I'm really enjoying this new chapter of our relationship and I look forward to getting to know you better as I get older. You are one of my biggest motivations in life, and I'm so proud of the man you've become in my life. I love you dad. P.S. The blog is phenominal!
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