This was a cool machine. I think it was a 1972 model, if I'm not mistaken. It handled well, and GOBBS of power. Mine was red and white, and a little older than this one I'm posting, but they looked an awful lot alike. Again, I don't remember what I did with this one, I'm sure I traded it off or sold it and bought something else. By this time in my life, I seldom had less than 3 or 4 bikes at a time. I did do my only "professional" drag bike race with this machine, at the Redding Drag Strip out by the municipal airport. I turned a 12:26 and actually won 10 bucks! (Only cost me $15 to enter the race...) I made it to the second round before I got wiped out by a 57 chevy.... Good memories on this bike...
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